BA Question Papers
- Axomiya Hahityar Buranji - 1/ BA/ Assamese/ 1 st Semester
- Axomiya Hahityar Buranji-2/ BA/ Assamese/ 1 st Semester
- Communicative Assamese/ BA/ Assamese/ 1 st Semester
- Indian Classical Literature/ BA/ English/ 1 st Semester
- European Classical Literature/ BA/ English/ 1 st Semester
- ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH (AECC)/ BA/ English/ 1 st Semester
- Philosophical Foundations of Education/ BA/ Education/ 1 st Semester
- Sociological Foundation of Education/ BA/ Education/ 1 st Semester
- Guidance and Counselling (GE)/ BA/ Education/ 1 st Semester
- Introductory Microeconomics/ BA/ Economics/ 1 st Semester
- Mathematical Methods for Economics—I/ BA/ Economics/ 1 st Semester
- Introductory Microeconomics (GE)/ BA/ Economics/ 1 st Semester
- Geomorphology and Biogeography/ BA/ Geography/ 1 st Semester
- Climatology/ BA/ Geography/ 1 st Semester
- History of India—I/ BA/ History/ 1 st Semester
- Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of Ancient World/ BA/ History/ 1 st Semester
- History of Assam : 1228–1826 (GE)/ BA/ History/ 1 st Semester
- Understanding Political Theory/ BA/ Political Science/ 1 st Semester
- Constitutional Government and Democracy in India/ BA/ Political Science/ 1 st Semester
- NATIONALISM IN INDIA (GE)/ BA/ Political Science/ 1 st Semester
- Classical Sanskrit Literature (Poetry)/ BA/ Sanskrit/ 1 st Semester
- Critical Survey of Sanskrit Literature/ BA/ Sanskrit/ 1 st Semester
- Introduction to Sociology—1/ BA/ Sociology/ 1 st Semester
- Sociology of India—I/ BA/ Sociology/ 1 st Semester
- Indian Society : Images and Realities (GE)/ BA/ Sociology/ 1 st Semester
- Literary Criticism/ BA/ Assamese/ 3 rd Semester
- Axomiya Kabitar Saaneki/ BA/ Assamese/ 3 rd Semester
- Studies on the Culture of Assam/ BA/ Assamese/ 3 rd Semester
- American Literature/ BA/ English/ 3 rd Semester
- Popular Literature/ BA/ English/ 3 rd Semester
- British Poetry and Drama/ BA/ English/ 3 rd Semester
- Great Educators and Educational Thought/ BA/ Education/ 3 rd Semester
- Measurement and Evaluation in Education/ BA/ Education/ 3 rd Semester
- MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES (GE)/ BA/ Education/ 3 rd Semester
- Essentials of Microeconomics/ BA/ Economics/ 3 rd Semester
- Essentials of Macroeconomics/ BA/ Economics/ 3 rd Semester
- Statistical Methods for Economics/ BA/ Economics/ 3 rd Semester
- Cartography/ BA/ Geography/ 3 rd Semester
- Regional Geography of the World/ BA/ Geography/ 3 rd Semester
- Statistical Methods of Geography/ BA/ Geography/ 3 rd Semester
- History of India III (750–1206)/ BA/ History/ 3 rd Semester
- Rise of Modern West—I/ BA/ History/ 3 rd Semester
- History of India IV ( C 1206–1550 )/ BA/ History/ 3 rd Semester
- History of India 1526–1947 (GE)/ BA/ History/ 3 rd Semester
- Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics/ BA/ Political Science/ 3 rd Semester
- Perspective of Public Administration/ BA/ Political Science/ 3 rd Semester
- Perspectives on International Relations and World History/ BA/ Political Science/ 3 rd Semester
- Understanding Ambedkar (GE)/ BA/ Political Science/ 3 rd Semester
- Classical Sanskrit Literature (Drama)/ BA/ Sanskrit/ 3 rd Semester
- Poetics and Literary Criticism/ BA/ Sanskrit/ 3 rd Semester
- Indian Social Institutions and Polity/ BA/ Sanskrit/ 3 rd Semester
- Political Sociology/ BA/ Sociology/ 3 rd Semester
- Sociology of Religion/ BA/ Sociology/ 3 rd Semester
- Sociology of Gender/ BA/ Sociology/ 3 rd Semester
- Rethinking Development (GE)/ BA/ Sociology/ 3 rd Semester
- Vakha Hahitya Adhyayanar Bibidh Dikh/ BA/ Assamese/ 6 th Semester
- Bharatiya Aryabhakha Aru Axomiya Vakha/ BA/ Assamese/ 6 th Semester
- Axomia Bhakhar Bhakhatattic Adhyaan/ BA/ Assamese/ 6 th Semester
- Vishwa Hahityaar Porisoi/ BA/ Assamese/ 6 th Semester
- Criticism-II/ BA/ English/ 6 th Semester
- American Literature/ BA/ English/ 6 th Semester
- Literature in the Post-Colonial World/ BA/ English/ 6 th Semester
- Introduction to Linguistics and Phonetics)/ BA/ English/ 6 th Semester
- Techniques and Methodology of Teaching (G)/ BA/ Education/ 6 th Semester
- Educational Management (M)/ BA/ Education/ 6 th Semester
- Education in World Perspective (M)/ BA/ Education/ 6 th Semester
- Emerging Trends in Indian Education (M)/ BA/ Education/ 6 th Semester
- Development Economics with Indian Perspective – II/ BA/ Economics/ 6 th Semester
- Environmental Economics/ BA/ Economics/ 6 th Semester
- International Economics/ BA/ Geography/ 6 th Semester
- Economic Issues of Assam/ BA/ Economics/ 6 th Semester
- Map Projection and Cartographic Methods/ BA/ Geography/ 6 th Semester
- Regional Geography of India (Part–II)/ BA/ Geography/ 6 th Semester
- Regional Geography of the World/ BA/ Geography/ 6 th Semester
- Geographical Thoughts and Quantitative Methods/ BA/ Geography/ 6 th Semester
- History of Ecology and Environment: India/ BA/ History/ 6 th Semester
- Women in Indian History/ BA/ History/ 6 th Semester
- World Revolutions/ BA/ History/ 6 th Semester
- History of Science and Technology in India/ BA/ History/ 6 th Semester
- Human Rights/ BA/ Political Science/ 6 th Semester
- Women’s Studies/ BA/ Political Science/ 6 th Semester
- Administration of Rural Development of India/ BA/ Political Science/ 6 th Semester
- Indian Administration/ BA/ Political Science/ 6 th Semester
- Siddhantakaumudi : Ka–rakaprakarana/ BA/ Sanskrit/ 6 th Semester
- Ayurveda : Carakasamhita/ BA/ Sanskrit/ 6 th Semester
- Sahityadarpana, Ch.–III/ BA/ Sanskrit/ 6 th Semester
- Ketak ikavyam, Taranga–I/ BA/ Sanskrit/ 6 th Semester
- Globalization and Society/ BA/ Sociology/ 6 th Semester
- Science, Technology and Society/ BA/ Sociology/ 6 th Semester
- Sociology of Industry/ BA/ Sociology/ 6 th Semester
- Sociology of Health and Hospital Management/ BA/ Sociology/ 6 th Semester
- Sociology of Rural Development (G)/ BA/ Sociology/ 6 th Semester